Friday, June 3, 2011

Yoga works wonders for women with breast cancer.

For women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy, yoga offers unique benefits beyond fighting fatigue, according to new research.While simple stretching exercises improved fatigue, patients who practiced yogic breathing, postures, meditation and relaxation techniques as part of their treatment plan experienced improved physical functioning, better general health and lower stress hormone levels.They also were better able to find meaning in their cancer experience, the study done at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has found. 
During the study, at one, three and six months after radiation therapy, women who practiced yoga during the treatment period reported greater benefits. Women who practiced yoga also had the steepest decline in their cortisol ( stress hormone) across the day, indicating that yoga had the ability to regulate this stress hormone. Cancer is a fight within the cells of the body and the yogic method reduces the restlessness that results from it


It's all about flower power this season ladies! Florals have been a big hit at the various Fashion Weeks worldwide and in India as well. Check out these models at fashion weeks in India showcasing.

Sported by celebs all over the globe, the trend has now discreetly trickled down to every girl’s wardrobe. Go for this short-and-sexy look with a pair of shorts or skirt… it makes for the perfect summer ensemble!

Get groovy and sport a big bright flower in your lovely locks or wear one around your neck. These floral accessories are very much in vogue.

Soka Gakkai {India}

In a swank living room in a South Delhi home, the furniture is moved to one side and a white cloth spread for the gathering of two dozen every Sunday morning. Sitting with feet folded below or in the Buddha’s lotus posture, they chant in unison, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo — a prayer for peace. A calm descends on the room as each one shares her joys and worries, seeking courage from one another’s victories in the daily struggle of life

Twice every month, 18,000 to 20,000 people come together in small groups in different parts of Delhi to discuss their problems, share their experiences, “reach out” through “heart-to-heart” dialogue or study the philosophy of 13th century Japanese Buddhist sage, Nichiren Daishonin. Thousands more meet in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune and dozens of other cities across India. Among them are scientists, doctors, artists, engineers and retired government officers. About 60 per cent are less than 35 years old.
A growing number of well-educated, young and upwardly mobile men and women are seeking personal salvation through a variant of Buddhist practice that has become popular in urban middle-class India. A prominent new entrant to the “practice” is Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. She has been a Vipassana practitioner for over a decade and pursued an MA in Buddhist Studies. The philosophy behind this phenomenon is basic: the belief and the conviction that the power to change one’s life lies within oneself.
Carrying this philosophy to thousands in India is Bharat Soka Gakkai, which means “value creation society”. Registered as a peace, cultural and education organisation in January 1986, Bharat Soka Gakkai had only 1,000 members in 1992. “The number has swelled to 50,000,” says its director general, Naveena Reddi. Its parent organisation, Soka Gakkai International, which was founded in 1930 as a group of reformist educators, has over 12 million members across 190 countries.

Indian Youth To Educate People About Cyber Bullying.

Seek out experts. Create questions to ask cyberbullying experts. Search for them on the Internet, and then drop them an email or give them a phone call to learn more about this issue.
Develop informative signs which can be easily displayed throughout school. Use vivid colors and creative phrases to draw attention to cyberbullying and how to handle it.
Develop a website, blog, or Facebook group. Create an online resource for your friends and community by summarizing cyberbullying and linking to invaluable information somewhere else on the Web. However,, remember to offer recognition for information you found from somewhere else.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Tell them your concerns about the problem, explain how it is affecting peers you know, and encourage adults to take it seriously.
Develop a public service announcement. All you need is a creative mind and your mobile phone, digital camera, or digital camcorder and some editing software. Upload it to YouTube and MySpace, and share it with anyone you know!
Create an awareness or pledge campaign. Produce clever tshirts, buttons, pins, key chains, magnets, or bumper stickers. Raise funds by finding donors from local businesses and organizations. Come up with a very modern and relevant design, and a hardhitting message!
Review your school policy on bullying and cyberbullying. Ask your teacher or principal for a copy of the policy and analyze it accurately.
Teach your younger friends and relatives how to be safe online. Spend some time with younger friends and family (cousins, brother, etc.) showing them ways to responsibly use technology. Examine their MySpace page and see if they have any information posted that could be used against them. Show them what to do if they are cyberbullied (for instance, they should retain the evidence, block the user from messaging them, report cruel or embarrassing content, etc.


How can these two words, love and forgiveness change your whole perspective on life? First, you must put your trust in something bigger than yourself. You may call it God, Spirit, Budda, whatever your faith is, trust that it has a bigger plan (could it be a lesson in forgiveness?) than your everyday troubles. What is the most important lesson you can learn while here on earth? Love and Forgiveness. But how do you get to the Love part if you have hatred in your heart? Forgive. It sounds so simple and yet it can be the most difficult thing that you can do in this lifetime.
The best possible way to break the chain of hate that connects you by an invisible link, is to stand and face this person and truly believing and feeling in your heart what you are about to say to them. "No matter what you have done to me, I forgive you" It is truly disarming, and can break that link that binds you. That's it! It may be a long and hard task to get to that one simple line.

You will never be the same, because in every situation you can begin to feel compassion, humility and gratitude toward your fellow travelers here on earth. You can LOVE again. You are a radiant being moving forward in life. 

Salman's Being Human aims to save lives through healthcare initiatives

The Being Human Foundation has partnered with Marrow Donor Registry India (MDRI) to create a world - class registry of marrow donors in India for patients who have blood-related illnesses like leukemia, thalessemia, a plastic anemia and congenital immunodeficiency states.
MDRI was set up in 2008 as an NGO at the Tata Memorial Centre with the sole purpose of creating a registry of committed, voluntary and unrelated donors for those patients requiring bone marrow transplantation and without an HLA- matched donor within their families. People from the age group of 18-50 years are eligible for donor recruitment. 
For now students are encouraged to step forward to volunteer to give someone a tomorrow -Just 10 ml of your blood could save a life.


Nobody denies the fact that mother earth is threatened by pollution more than any other time before. In fact, factories' chimneys release huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the air. This of course increases the temperature of the earth. As a result, the ice-caps in the North and South Poles will melt. If this happens, the sea-level will rise and cities on coasts will surely be flooded. This may cause the disappe Although pollution has harmful effects, it has provided us the life we have today; without it, we would not be here where we are. Pollution is a life killer, but also a life saver.arance of entire countries .

Technology, each day has been evolving to make this world a better place. Nowadays, technology is being cleaner to preserve Earth. Also, it has been cleaning Earth through water treatment plants, air purifiers, etc. Technology will progress over the years to make Earth a healthier living experience. As a nation we have to learn to respect and salute the environment. We as individuals live in this environment and it our soul responsibility to take care of it.